Re: AW: Linux kernel modules development in C++

From: Johan Kullstam (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 13:09:53 EST

Carsten Lang <> writes:

> Hi,
> i don't want to start discussing the pros and cons of using C++ in kernel
> development.
> BUT: why do we blame people if they want to?

several reasons

1) this thread keeps coming back on linux-kernel and various linux
   related usenet groups every couple of months or so. the people who
   ask are either slow learners or incapable of using dejanews.

2) someone always suggests putting in C++ but never wants to do the
   work to do it themselves. if they are so gung ho about the idea,
   they are free to fork off a variant kernel path.

> It is possible to produce stable and good C++ modules (i have one for a
> framegrabber device)

it's also trivial to write very bad code in C++ since the compiler
will try to do a lot of stuff behind the scenes.

> and it is much easier to port already exsiting C++
> drivers from windows to linux.

how many of these are out there? seriously, if you want to share
driver code between windows and linux i see no reason not to write the
whole thing in plain C in the first place.

> So all i want to ask for is to give an easy way to people to
> write their modules in C++.

please, be my guest. no one is stopping you in this effort.

> All we have to do is to change some few
> lines in the kernel (the variable names "class", "public" and so on).
> I'm VERY sure, that after this annoying problem is solved, we have
> a C++ capsule which can be used by hardware manufacturers to
> provide their Linux-drivers very fast by porting them from windows to
> Linux by using a generic (C++) interface.
> I don't need a very good and fast operating system, because of being
> written in C, which is not supported by my hardware...
> Somebody thought about that?????
> In my opinion we should not change the whole system to C++,
> that would be very crazy (although i'm quite sure the quality of
> Linux would increase), but I want to choose the language i'm
> writing my device drivers in.
> And if the changes are so ridiculous small, why don't we start doing
> them????

no, why don't *you* start doing them.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!
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