Good! I hope to meet you next week at ALS as I'm giving a pitch on DProbes
next Thursday. When is your session?
The P-tree by the way is described by Knuth but was modiifed slightly when
deployed in HPFS. There are some details of it around - see If I still
have any unclassified info - actually come to think of it I might be
confusing the in-memory representation of the file system with what's on
disk - my memory is getting dim when I comes to OS2.
Richard Moore - RAS Project Lead - Linux Technology Centre (PISC).
Office: (+44) (0)1962-817072, Mobile: (+44) (0)7768-298183
IBM UK Ltd, MP135 Galileo Centre, Hursley Park, Winchester, SO21 2JN, UK
Daniel Phillips <> on
05/10/2000 14:17:57
Please respond to Daniel Phillips <>
To: Richard J Moore/UK/IBM@IBMGB,
Subject: Re: Phase tree algorithm defined wrote:
> You could enhance you document greatly if you provided a few diagrams to
> illustrate the structure, especially the example file system. I'd
> converting the document to HTML or XML.
I am currently preparing slides for the ALS presentation next week in
Atlanta, and this should be a start. The assembly of the various parts
of the documentation is in progress.
> Also, I'd like to understand how the Phase Tree differs from other tree
> schemes used by files systems, for example the Modified Patricia Tree
> by HPFS and NTFS.
Um, I haven't got a clue because I don't know anything about the
internals of either of them. Do you have some relevant details you can
> It wasn't quite clear to me how the advantages of
> consistency are obtained, but diagrams might help.
:-( OK, I'll go back into the document and try to make it more clear.
> Richard Moore - RAS Project Lead - Linux Technology Centre (PISC).
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