I don't know a lawyer I would trust who would give free legal advice on a
mailing list without the usual disclaimers.
And I don't care what you've done elsewhere, you have, here, been misleading
about patent law. I stand by my recommendation that people who are
interested should read the Nolo Press book and then, if they have specific
issues, consult an IP lawyer on those particular issues.
In addition to the Nolo press, by the way, the US Patent Office now has a
web site with good general information for those people who are interested
in US patent issues. (http://www.uspto.gov/) I suppose there is a similar
web site for people interested in EU patent specifics as well. One of the
serveral ways in which you were mistaken in your assertions is that you've
neglected to clarify where US Patent Law differs from Patent Law in other
jurisdictions. You may be in Utah, but not everyone on this mailing list
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff V. Merkey [mailto:jmerkey@timpanogas.org]
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 3:40 PM
> To: Marty Fouts
> Cc: 'jesse'; linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
> Subject: Re: Tux 2 patents
> Marty Fouts wrote:
> >
> > I don't do pissing matches, Jeff, and won't compare the
> quality of the IP
> > experts I have access to to the quality of those you have access to.
> >
> > I will say that you are wrong about disclosure because you
> have overly
> > simplified, and again recommend that people who care should
> discuss their
> > specific cases with real lawyers, which neither you no or I are.
> Excuse me -- I was one of the attorneys on the Novell/TRG lawsuit --
> check my motions
> and filings. In fact, check the 4th District Court in general for my
> filings in other cases. You can check the Texas courts for 1980's as
> well. Just because I have been a software
> engineer for the past 20 years does not mean I did something else in a
> previous life.
> Since all my friends are lawyers and TRG runs a law firm out of here
> should say something.
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