Re: [PATCH] usb audio.

From: Erik Mouw (J.A.K.Mouw@ITS.TUDelft.NL)
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 12:09:19 EST

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 08:56:53AM -0700, Dunlap, Randy wrote:
> You shouldn't see the <clipped> messages about bandwidth alloc
> increased|reduced unless you are running at console loglevel
> 7 or higher (KERN_DEBUG) (could be via Alt-SysRq-7).
> I'll see about removing them anyway.

I didn't see them on console, I heard the hickups, so I looked into the

> I don't know about the sound hickups you are hearing. Tom Sailer
> suggested just a day or two ago something about changing the
> latency for the USB controller by using setpci.

I tried:

  setpci -s 00:07.2 latency_timer=20
  setpci -s 00:07.2 latency_timer=40
  setpci -s 00:07.2 latency_timer=80

but without effect. However, the USB device doesn't have a latency
timer, so that probably explains.

> BTW, lspci -vv would give much more useful info than just
> using lspci. E.g., it would show the current latency
> value being used.

OK, information is attached.


J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031,  2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-2783635  Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email:

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