On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 10:02:52AM -0400, Byron Stanoszek wrote:
> I am very unimpressed with the current OOM killer.
> We need to decide on a better algorithm,
> albeit simple, that will alleviate this problem before 2.4.0 final comes out.
We don't need to decide on one, you can provide and install your
own, if your apply my oom-killer-api-patch.
It's at: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~ioe/oom_kill_api.patch
PS: Removed Linus from CC, because every change of MM has to be
approved by Rik first. Added linux-mm, because it's an MM issue.
PPS: We had an controversal discussion at linux-mm about this
last week. So look into the archives.
Ingo Oeser
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