Re: Is IPv4 totally broken in 2.4-test

From: Mohammad A. Haque (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 23:25:53 EST

if [ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn ]
        echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

or dont compile with ECN support int he kernel.

Carl Perry wrote:
> I have test9 running in an original Athlon 500, a PII 300, and a K6-2/400. All
> of them are experiencing the same problems with networking. I confimred that
> this is not happening to just my, as my buddy in a far away (California) land is
> experiencing the same thing. I cannot connect to,,
>,, and a slew of others. I'm not sure if this is
> because all of those sites are going "Wow! His IP stack conforms to _STANDARDS_
> - it must be fake" or what. However, it's really starting to get on my nerves.
> All of the above boxes are based on SuSE 6.4. Using the latest modutils,
> binutils 2.10, and egcs-1.1.2 (Which I think is still compiler gratas) My
> buddy's box is a Mandrake 7.1 box. I know he was using gcc-2.95.2 and an old
> binutils, but he has changed to egcs-1.1.2 and a newer binutils. He's still
> having the same problem. I pretty sure it's not an iptables issue, since I
> believe that he has iptables off. I also tried no tables on my K6-2 box with
> the same effects.
> Is anyone else experiencing these problems? Does anyone know if certain
> firewalls don't like 2.4 with a passion? Even better, does anyone know how to
> fix it?
> BTW: I have narrowed this down to a 2.4 problem. If I load 2.2 on any of those
> machines on the same ISP it doesn't work.
> Any ideas?
> --
> -Carl Perry
> "Real programmers don't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are, after
> all, the illiterate's form of documentation. Cavemen drew
> flowcharts; look how much good it did them."
> -Fortune (The App, not the Magazine)
> -
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===================================================================== Mohammad A. Haque

"Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Project Lead Don't drink and derive." --Unknown ===================================================================== - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at

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