[2.2.17] 3c59x and Transmit list error

From: Markus Fischer (mfischer@josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at)
Date: Wed Nov 01 2000 - 19:33:05 EST


        For some time now we're observing a very bad [tm] network
problem with our 3Com 3c905B Cyclone card. After booting the
network works just fine, but after a few days ( ranging from five
to 10) really hard network problems occur, rendering the network
accessabilty to zero; only manually restarting the network solves
this problem (from local, of course).

I appended the relevant lines of the logfiles for a more
informative description. Altough the date/time stamps are a bit
old (a few feks) the problem still exists recurrence every few
days now :/

I allready searched the mailing list and I'm aware of scylds [1]
website, but unfortunatly none of this information helped us.

kind regards,

[1] http://www.scyld.com/network/vortex.html

Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
EMail:         mfischer@josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at
PGP Public  Key: http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0

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