how to get IP address of current machine from C++ code?

From: Christopher Friesen (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 12:37:08 EST

I would like to get the IP address of one of the interfaces of the
machine that I'm currently on from within some C++ code. It looks like
I should be able to do this by doing an

ioctl(atoi(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)

with the interface name set in the appropriate field in ifr, but I'm not
sure how I should be getting the proper value for fd. I would
appreciate some help on this, or if there is a better way then I'd love
to hear it.



Chris Friesen                    | MailStop: 043/33/F10  
Nortel Networks                  | work: (613) 765-0557
3500 Carling Avenue              | fax:  (613) 765-2986
Nepean, ON K2H 8E9 Canada        | email:
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