Re: modular kernel

From: FORT David (
Date: Sat Nov 04 2000 - 16:09:43 EST

Taco Witte wrote:

> Hello
> Some days ago, I read about the idea of a completely modular kernel.
> I think it's a very good idea, because it would make it easier to get more
> people work at the same moment, development would go faster. It would
> be possible to make groups for a certain part of the kernel (for example
> sound, or filesystems, or main) with own group pages with status info and
> todo's and own mailinglists (it would divide this enourmous flow of mail
> into smaller parts). It would decrease the download size. I believe it would
> make bug tracking easier as well. I'm sure I forgot to mention something..
> Regards,
> Taco Witte

Looks like the beginning of a new flame war.

% FORT David,                                                             %
% 7 avenue de la morvandière                                   0240726275 %
% 44470 Thouare, France                       %
% ICU:78064991   AIM: enlighted popo    %
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%  -networking/flashed PHP3 coming soon   |   /V\        L  I  N  U  X    %
%  -opensource                            |  // \\     >Fear the Penguin< %
%  -GNOME/enlightenment/GIMP              | /(   )\                       %
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