Re: Poor TCP Performance 2.4.0-10 <-> Win98 SE PPP

From: David S. Miller (
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 05:00:51 EST

   Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:35:21 +0100 (MET)
   From: (Rogier Wolff)

   This smells of "wrong checksums getting generated", in my opinion.

Actually the current hypothesis is that the checksums are incorrect,
but only because something between Linux and win98 are changing the
TCP sequence numbers in the packet but not updating the checksum to

Jordan, if you check the windows registry or wherever you view SNMP
statistics under win98, do the "TCP checksum" or "TCP discard" error
counters change after one of these "slow" PPP sessions to

David S. Miller
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