Re: Installing kernel 2.4

From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 19:10:41 EST

"Jeff V. Merkey" wrote:
> We need a format that allow multiple executable segments to be combined
> in a single executable and the loader have enough smarts to grab the
> right one based on architecture. two options:
> 1. extend gcc to support this or rearragne linux into segments based on
> code type
> 2. Use PE.

The kernel isn't going non-ELF. Too painful, for dubious advantages,

The current gcc toolchain already supports what you suggest.

I understand that some people have even put some thought into a
bootloader that dynamically links your kernel on bootup, so this idea
isn't new. It's a good idea though.


Jeff Garzik             | "When I do this, my computer freezes."
Building 1024           |          -user
MandrakeSoft            | "Don't do that."
                        |          -level 1
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