Re: Where is it written?

From: Michael Meissner (
Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 18:40:31 EST

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 08:37:56AM -0800, George Anzinger wrote:
> I thought this would be simple, but...
> Could someone point me at the info on calling conventions to be used
> with
> x86 processors. I need this to write asm code correctly and I suspect
> that it is a bit more formal than the various comments I have found in
> the sources. Is it, perhaps an Intel doc? Or a gcc thing?

It may be out of print by now, but the original reference for the x86 ABI, is

        System V Application Binary Interface
        Intel386 (tm) Processor Supplement

When Cygnus purchased the manual I have, many moons ago, it was published by
AT&T, with a copyright date of 1991, published by Prentice Hall, with an ISBN
number of 0-13-877689-X. It most recently was published by SCO (possibly even
Caldera, which just bought SCO). You can get an online version from:

Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
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