Er, um, yes. I stand corrected.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve VanDevender []
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 11:44 AM
To: Marty Fouts
Cc: ''; Michael Rothwell; Linux kernel
Subject: RE: Advanced Linux Kernel/Enterprise Linux Kernel
Marty Fouts writes:
> Actually, you have the sequence of events slightly out of order. AT&T,
> specifically Bell Labs, was one of the participants in the program that
> would develop Multics. AT&T opted out of the program, for various
> but it continued apace. The PDP-8 of fame was one that, according to
> Thompson, happened to be available and unused.
The original system on which UNIX development started was not a PDP-8,
but a PDP-7. The earliest UNIX was also written in assembler. Thompson
and Ritchie developed C as a higher-level implementation language during
the process of porting UNIX from the PDP-7 to the PDP-11.
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