Linux and 802.IQ

From: Robert Cohen (
Date: Fri Nov 17 2000 - 03:37:04 EST

I have been looking into VLANS on some switches. Apparently on these
switches, a host can only be a member of two vlans if it is 802.IQ
compliant (or have 2 NIC's, one into each vlan). Its not clear from the
docs whether the OS has to be 802.IQ compliant or if its an attribute of
the NIC.

Anyway is Linux 802.IQ compliant? Is Linux 2.2 or just 2.4.
 How long has 802.IQ been around and how widespread is it. Is Solaris
compliant. How about NT/ Win 2000.

Robert Cohen
TLTSU, Australian National University.
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