Re: Ext2 & Performances

From: Andreas Dilger (
Date: Tue Nov 21 2000 - 13:32:13 EST

Roberto Fichera writes:
> I'm configuring a Compaq ML350 2x800PIII, 1Gb RAM, 5x36Gb UWS3 RAID 5
> with Smart Array 4300, as database SQL server. So I need to chose
> between a single partition of 130Gb or multiple small partitions,
> depending by the performance.

It is usually better to have multiple small partitions for performance and
reliability, but this is more work to administer.

> Yes! I know :-((!!! I'm looking for other fs that are journaled like ext3
> or raiserfs but I don't know which are a good choice for stability and
> performances.

The current (0.0.5b) ext3 code is doing pretty good, and if you use
metadata-only journalling it is about as fast as ext2. I still wouldn't
use this on a production system where data loss is fatal, although I
have never had any data loss or filesystem corruption because of ext3.

Cheers, Andreas

Andreas Dilger  \ "If a man ate a pound of pasta and a pound of antipasto,
                 \  would they cancel out, leaving him still hungry?"               -- Dogbert
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