> > Both source (GPLv2) and pre-compiled binary for x86 are available.
> ^^^^^
> That's not true. Read
> http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx-license.html
The UPX team owns all copyright in all of UPX and in each part of UPX.
Therefore, the UPX team may choose which license(s), and has chosen two.
One of them is GPLv2. The UPX team understands, and fully intends
to abide by, its obligations under GPLv2 when any software that is subject
to GPLv2 is contributed to UPX and re-distributed by the UPX team. The
other license is detailed in the LICENSE file, but may be summarized as:
free to use if unmodified, and if used only to invoke the program, and
sublicensable only under the same terms. This permits using UPX to pack
a non-GPL executable. Users of UPX (as distributed by the UPX team)
may choose whether to use UPX according to GPLv2, or according to
the other license.
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