2.4.0-Prerelease :smp_num_cpus undefined while compiling without smp for Athlon

From: Fran�ois Isabelle (isabellf@sympatico.ca)
Date: Wed Jan 03 2001 - 23:04:24 EST

in smp.h macro
#define smp_num_cpus
have no effect on the kernel_stat.h file .

if might be undefined or declared elsewhere as an int or such...I added
#define smp_test_num_cpus
and replaced the occurence in kernel_stat.h and it worked ok

and tried to find where the smp_num_cpus define was getting screwed...
no success.

this have the effect of unbuildable kernel with options: smp off and
athlon on, i don't know about other problematic configurations.
I have gcc version 2.96
and make 3.78.1

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