Re: wavelan has fatal error with 2.4.0 (but worked in 2.4.0-test12)

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 12:48:47 EST

> > It is a bug in the driver.
> Please check again the code and point me the invalid
> udelay(). You will realise that there is no delay in the driver that
> is longer than 100ms.

The udelay limit is set a lot lower than 100mS. It has to be somewhat lower
otherwise you have to do two levels of loops which will throw small udelay
timings a fair whack.

> The bug is that udelay() can't be passed a variable but only a
> constant. Therefore bug in udelay().

Sounds like a compiler bug.

#define udelay(n) (__builtin_constant_p(n) ? \
        ((n) > 20000 ? __bad_udelay() : __const_udelay((n) * 0x10c6ul)) : \

non constants are covered.

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