Re: Disk geometry changed after running linux

From: Guest section DW (
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 14:42:54 EST

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 07:54:47PM +0100, David Balazic wrote:

> Is there a way to change the geometry from fdisk ?
> I tried expert mode and 'set sectors' and 'set heads',
> but after I exit fdisk with 'w' , it is unchanged.

As you know, a disk does not have a geometry, but
the location of a partition is described in linear
and 3D coordinates, and translating between the two
requires a geometry. Commands like
        % sfdisk -d /dev/hdf >
        % sfdisk /dev/hdf <
suffice to make the translation uniform for the
kernel's current idea of sectors, heads.
If you don't like that idea, then -C,-H,-S options
serve to tell sfdisk about the desired geometry.
See sfdisk(8).
[Save a copy of the old situation, and make the geometry so
that Windows likes it. Linux is happy with every geometry.]


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