Here is what I get from running it on my system (ppc linux with 2.2.15 kernel with some mods and glibc-2.1.3).
But no segfault.
[kbhend@localhost ~]$ gcc -O2 -ojunk junk.c
[kbhend@localhost ~]$ ./junk
SIGUSR1 = 10
scp = 7fffe9a4
scp->signal = 0
[kbhend@localhost ~]$
On Thursday, January 25, 2001, at 10:09 AM, jekacur@ca.ibm.com wrote:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <signal.h>
> /* Function Prototypes */
> void install_sigusr1_handler(void);
> void sigusr_handler(int , siginfo_t *, struct sigcontext * scp);
> int main(void)
> {
> install_sigusr1_handler();
> printf("SIGUSR1 = %d\n", SIGUSR1);
> raise(SIGUSR1);
> exit(0);
> }
> void install_sigusr1_handler(void)
> {
> struct sigaction newAct;
> if (sigemptyset(&newAct.sa_mask) != 0) {
> fprintf(stderr, "Warning, sigemptyset failed.\n");
> }
> newAct.sa_flags = 0;
> newAct.sa_flags |= SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART;
> newAct.sa_sigaction = (void
> (*)(int,siginfo_t*,void*))sigusr_handler;
> if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &newAct, NULL) != 0) {
> fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install SIGUSR1 handler.\n");
> fprintf(stderr, "Exiting.\n");
> exit(1);
> }
> }
> void sigusr_handler(int signo, siginfo_t *siginfp, struct sigcontext * scp)
> {
> printf("scp = %08x\n", scp);
> printf("scp->signal = %d\n", scp->signal);
> }
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