Ion Badulescu wrote:
> 2.4.1-pre10+zerocopy, using read()/write(): 18.3%-29.6% CPU * why so much variance?
The variance is presumably because of the naive read/write
implementation. It sucks in 16 megs and writes out out again.
With a 100 megabyte file you'll get aliasing effects between
the sampling interval and the client's activity.
You will get more repeatable results using smaller files. I'm
just sending /usr/local/bin/* ten times, with
./zcc -s otherhost -c /usr/local/bin/* -n10 -N2 -S
Maybe that 16 meg buffer should be shorter... Yes, making it
smaller smooths things out.
Heh, look at this. It's a simple read-some, send-some loop.
Plot CPU utilisation against the transfer size:
Size %CPU
256 31
512 25
1024 22
2048 18
4096 17
8192 16
16384 18
32768 19
65536 21
128k 22
256k 22.5
8192 bytes is best.
I've added the `-b' option to zcc to set the transfer size. Same
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