On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Dax Kelson wrote:
> My laptop has a touchpad builtin with two buttons, I also have an external
> PS2 and/or USB mouse (3 buttons with scroll wheel).
> I would like to be able to use the touchpad, and then plug in the mouse
> (with either PS2 or USB connector) and use it without reconfiguring
> anything.
It's works on Toshiba's and some other varieties of laptop... typically
there's a setting like "simultanious point ing device in the bios"
> In fact, it would be cool if I could use both at the same time.
you can in those cases... in others (some older cannon laptops I know for
sure) connecting an external ps/2 device disables the internal...
> Is this possible with the new "Input Drivers" in the 2.4 kernel? Is it
> possible with Linux at all?
> As a comparison, at least two other OSes, Windows 2000 and NetBSD 1.5
> multiplex mouse input and allow use of two (or more!) mice at the same
> time.
> Dax Kelson
> NetBSD "wscons console driver" info:
> http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/wscons/
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