On Thu, 01 Feb 2001 01:44:01 Tom Sightler wrote:
> My patches also include changes that should improve this, but I doubt it
> will eliminate the problem. The basic thing here is that it's a horrid
> card
> in regards to performance and most of them only have 8K of buffer, it's
> just
> too easy to overrun the buffer, especially since the default is to
> allocate
> 4 transmit and 1 receive buffer (or 6 receive buffers it your lucky
> enough
> to have a 16K card). Because of this the card drops packets like crazy,
> which is bad for NFS, especially over UDP. My patches basically change
> the
> buffer allocation to only a single transmit buffer and whatever is left
> to
> receive buffers, this puts the card in a different mode of operation
> which
> seems to allow it to almost keep up. For me, this made the card usable,
> I
> still get drops, but their now much lower.
> I'm not sure this is your problem, but I bet if you look at you ifconfig
> stats when your having the problem you'll see lots of dropped packets.
> Even if you don't use the card, it's be nice to have another user test it
> out before I submit the patch.
Yes, lot's of dropped packets during NFS dropout.
This is great, even though I probably won't use the card; My friend has
another 9585 and needs an ethernet card for that, and I'll be happy to test
it on his behalf.
My machine's working perfectly now... IBM PS/2 9585, 3Com 32529, Adaptec
AHA1640, Linux 2.4.1, a 9GB RAID0 array care of the md driver, and ReiserFS
running on top of that... filled with MP3's! (just testing...)
Look forward to your patches.
-- Michael Pacey michael@wd21.co.uk ICQ: 105498469wd21 ltd - world domination in the 21st century
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