Re: Microsoft begining to open source Windows 2000?

From: J. Dow (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 00:43:35 EST

From: "Alan Cox" <>

> > Please check out this article. Looks like microsoft know open source is the
> > thing of the future. I would consider that it is a begining step for full
> > blown GPL!!!!
> Oh sure
> Maybe 1200 people
> "Users are prohibited from amending"
> Sorry but Linus had > 1200 people able to modify his code in 1992

So did BillyG. The difference is that BillyG's were all overworked hackers
that were on the MS campus under BillyG's whip^H^H^H^Hpay. I treated that
as proof that you need WAY more than that many monkeys to generate something
stable and workable, if you adopted the Mongol hordes programming style.

BillyG HAS thousands changing the source code. He pays them to do it.
Linus has far fewer actually changing the source code if I read this
list correctly. Experience suggests this is as it should be. Even in
coding "too many cooks spoil the broth."


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