On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 06:24:51PM -0800, Dawson Engler wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote an extension to gcc that does global analysis to determine
> which pointers in 2.4.1 are ever treated as user space pointers (i.e,
> passed to copy_*_user, verify_area, etc) and then makes sure they are
> always treated that way.
> It found what looks to be 9 errors, and 3 cases I'm not sure about.
> I've tried to eliminate false positives, but if any remain, please let
> me know.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> [BUG] Looks like a bug where the memcpy forgets to use the user_buf pointer.
> /u2/engler/mc/oses/linux/2.4.1/drivers/usb/serial/digi_acceleport.c:1288:digi_write: ERROR:PARAM:1271:1288: tainted var 'buf' (from line 1271) used as arg 1 to '__constant_memcpy'
> /* copy user data (which can sleep) before getting spin lock */
> count = MIN( 64, MIN( count, port->bulk_out_size-2 ) );
> Start --->
> if( from_user && copy_from_user( user_buf, buf, count ) ) {
> return( -EFAULT );
> }
> /* be sure only one write proceeds at a time */
> /* there are races on the port private buffer */
> /* and races to check write_urb->status */
> /* wait for urb status clear to submit another urb */
> if( port->write_urb->status == -EINPROGRESS
> || priv->dp_write_urb_in_use ) {
> /* buffer data if count is 1 (probably put_char) if possible */
> if( count == 1 ) {
> new_len = MIN( count,
> DIGI_OUT_BUF_SIZE-priv->dp_out_buf_len );
> Error --->
> memcpy( priv->dp_out_buf+priv->dp_out_buf_len, buf,
> new_len );
> priv->dp_out_buf_len += new_len;
> } else {
> new_len = 0;
> ---------------------------------------------------------
Al, Pete, does this patch look good to fix this problem?
(I'll send a separate patch for the other usb-serial problems.)
greg k-h
-- greg@(kroah|wirex).com
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