hooking APIC timer doesnt work?

From: Dinesh Nagpure (fatbrrain@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 14:22:26 EST

Hello all,
I am trying to use the LAPIC timer to generate interrupt for some kernel
profiling work I am doing...but the timer ISR isnt invoking atall....here is
what I have done....
1)Initialized a interrupt gate modifying the trap_init function in traps.c
to use vector 0x32

2) Added a handler in entry.s

        pushl %eax
        movl %esp,%edx
        pushl $0
        pushl %edx
        call SYMBOL_NAME(do_inthtooltimer)
        addl $8,%esp

3) Added a high level C function do_inthtooltimer in traps.c with all proper
asmlinkage declerations and all

4) In my driver module I initialize the LAPIC timer register for
ONE_SHOT, NOT_MASKED, VECTOR32 and SEND_PENDING as given in the intel
architecture manual and also set the divide config register to divide by
1....and the initial count register is also set...

Problem is my timer handler isnt getting called atall...

I am disabling the SMP support and APIC support options in menuconfig

I assume rest of the APIC initialization is done properly because I am
instrumenting the APIC Performance Counter interrupt also for delivery mode
NMI and it seems to be getting called properly as I see /proc/interrupts
showing increment in NMI count..

Am i missing out something...
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