LA Walsh <>:
> Ion Badulescu wrote:
> > Compile option or not, 64-bit arithmetic is unacceptable on IA32. The
> > introduction of LFS was bad enough, we don't need yet another proof that
> > IA32 sucks. Especially when there *are* better alternatives.
> ===
> So if it is a compile option -- the majority of people
> wouldn't be affected, is that in agreement? Since the default would
> be to use the same arithmetic as we use now.
> In fact, I posit that if anything, the majority of the people
> might be helped as the block_nr becomes a a 'typed' value -- and
> perhaps the sector_nr as well. They remain the same size, but as
> a typed value the kernel gains increased integrity from the increased
> type checking. At worst, it finds no new bugs and there is no impact
> in speed. Are we in agreement so far?
> Now lets look at the sites want to process terabytes of
> data -- perhaps files systems up into the Pentabyte range. Often I
> can see these being large multi-node (think 16-1024 clusters as
> are in use today for large super-clusters). If I was to characterize
> the performance of them, I'd likely see the CPU pegged at 100%
> with 99% usage in user space. Let's assume that increasing the
> block size decreases disk accesses by as much as 10% (you'll have
> to admit -- using a 64bit quantity vs. 32bit quantity isn't going
> to even come close to increasing disk access times by 1 millisecond,
> really, so it really is going to be a much smaller fraction when
> compared to the actual disk latency).
Relatively small quibble - Current large clusters (SP3, 330 node 4cpu/node)
gets around 85% to 90% (real user) user mode total cpu. The rest is user
mode is attributed to overhead. Why:
1. Inter-node communication/synchronization
2. Memory bus saturation
3. Users usually use only 3 cpus/node and allow the last cpu to handle
filesystem/network/administration/batch handling functions. Using the
last cpu in the node for part of the job reduces the overall throughput
> Ok...but for the sake of
> argument using 10% -- that's still only 10% of 1% spent in the system.
> or a slowdown of .1%. Now that's using a really liberal figure
> of 10%. If you look at the actual speed of 64 bit arithmatic vs.
> 32, we're likely talking -- upper bound, 10x the clocks for
> disk block arithmetic. Disk block arithmetic is a small fraction
> of time spent in the kernel. We have to be looking at *maximum*
> slowdowns in the range of a few hundred maybe a few thousand extra clocks.
> A 1000 extra clocks on a 1G machine is 1 microsecond, or approx
> 1/5000th your average seek latency on a *fast* hard disk. So
> instead of 10% slowdown we are talking slowdowns in the 1/1000 range
> or less. Now that's a slowdown in the 1% that was being spent in
> the kernel, so now we've slowdown the total program speed by .001%
> at the increase benefit (to that site) of being able to process
> those mega-gig's (Pentabytes) of information. For a hit that is
> not noticable to human perception, they go from not being able to
> use super-clusters of IA32 machines (for which HW and SW is cheap),
> to being able to use it. That's quite a cost savings for them.
> Is there some logical flaw in the above reasoning?
Jesse I Pollard, II
Any opinions expressed are solely my own.
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