Re: CML2 1.0.0 release announcement

From: Christoph Hellwig (
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 15:04:48 EST

In article <Pine.LNX.4.31.0104112013010.25121-100000@athlon> you wrote:
> One of the first things I noticed was it seems noticably slower
> than CML1. A make menuconfig in CML1 takes me into the menu
> in under a second. (On an already compiled tree).
> CML2 takes around 15 seconds before I get that far.
> This is on an Athlon 800 w/512MB. I dread to think how this
> responds on a 486.

If you look for something _even_ faster try mconfig. For everyone who is
interested, I've put my latests half-way stable version is on ftp. It's at

Props for all the hard work go to Michael Elizabeth Chastain!


Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.
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