Unable to use ethernet after suspend and smbmount (laptop)

From: Kevin A. Burton (burton@relativity.yi.org)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 16:53:26 EST

Hash: SHA1


This is Kernel 2.4.3.

If I smbmount an exported filesystem from another GNU/Linux machine and then
suspend my laptop, after I resume I am unable to use the network at all.

I really think this is a bug raised by another bug. The xirc2ps_cs Ethernet Cardbus
driver has a bug where after a suspend I have to eject the card and then insert
it again and then run 'ifup eth0'. I think it actually may be a bug in my
cardbus but I don't know.

Anyway Linux won't unload (rmmod xirc2ps_cs) because the smbfs is using it. :(
If force smbfs to unmount maybe this could be resolved but as we all know an
'umount -f /mnt/MOUNT' doesn't really force :(

Anyway. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. If I unmount
*before* I suspend then everything works fine. The problem is that sometimes I
forget! :(


- --
Kevin A. Burton ( burton@apache.org, burton@openprivacy.org, burtonator@acm.org )
        Cell: 408-910-6145 URL: http://relativity.yi.org ICQ: 73488596

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. - John Lennon

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