Re: Bug in serial.c

From: Disconnect (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 10:38:54 EST

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Marc Karasek did have cause to say:

> 2) In 2.4.3 the console port using ttySX is broken. It dumps fine to the
> terminal but when you get to a point of entering data (login, configuration
> scripts, etc) the terminal does not accept any input.

Most gettys and such take a /dev/tty* argument, which has to be changed to
point to the serial port for a serial console. Config scripts (and
anything else) specifically using /dev/tty or /dev/console should work
fine, however. (I wouldn't recommend pointing a getty at /dev/console - we
had some issues on a headless server trying that. Easiest to point it at
/dev/ttyS0 or whatnot.)

> So far I have been able to debug to the point where I see that the kernel is
> receiving the characters from the serial.c driver. But it never echos them
> or does anything else with them. I will continue to look into this at this
> end.
> I was also wondering if anyone else has seen this or if a patch is avail for
> this bug??
> Marc Karasek
> Sr. Firmware Engineer
> iVivity Inc
> -
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