Re: 2.4.3-pre3+ sound distortion

From: Victor Julien (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 18:05:44 EST

I've done some further testing and i discoverd that the problem was
introduced in 2.4.3-pre3. Pre1 en pre2 are fine. I've tried disabling the
via-ide-driver, i386 instead of athlon as build architecture with no effect.
I've tried disabling my network-card with no effect. Ik tried reproducing the
problem in the console using setiathome and mpg123 and i was succesfull.

So, i guess the problem is in 2.4.3-pre3 and later. I'm not a coder so there
is not much i can do i think. If you need any information please let me know.

Victor Julien

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