Re: APIC-Errors+Crashes on GA 586DX, 2.2.17/2.4.3

From: Hermann Himmelbauer (
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 04:22:24 EST

Karsten Keil wrote:
> I have here the same board with 2*233 MMX and don't see this kind of ISDN
> error on recent 2.2 kernels, but got also lot of APIC errors with the
> 2.3/2.4, because the APIC errors are only reported in 2.3/4.

Right - same behavior here, no APIC errors with 2.2 (as they are not
reported). The ISDN error happens very seldom (4 times last year) and is
not reproducable - which is not so with the eth0 errors (as eth0 locks
at around 500-1000MB while copying data).

> > kernel with the "noapic" parameter. The strange thing is that the APIC
> > errors are still there, at least there are a lot less than before,
> > moreover the system seems slower but at least more stable. BTW, why are
> > there still APIC errors although there are no interrupts assigned to
> > CPU1 (as seen in /proc/interrupts).
> >
> Yes, no APIC means all IRQ are handled by one CPU only, so communication
> errors about IRQ events on the APIC bus don't care.

Hmmm, so does that mean that those checksum errors have no effect on the
stability of my system?
> > What I wonder is why linux outputs a line like this (with noapic):
> > <4>Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
> > <4> Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
> >
> > although the board seems to be capable of MPS 1.4 (as there is a Bios
> > option "MPS 1.4 for single Processor).
> >
> One or 2 years ago I was playing with these options, it seemed that setting
> it to 1.1 reduce the error count a little bit, but this maybe a
> misinterpretation.

How did you do that? The BIOS Option only enables the use of MPS 1.4 for
single CPU but I could not find an option for switching between 1.1/1.4.
Is there a way to force the Linux kernel to use 1.4?

Many thanks for your quick answer!

                Best Regards,

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