There was a missing release_region in NCR53c406a.c, which fscked up
probing with 'modprobe NCR53c406' like one mode of our installer does.
(Tested by checking the contents of /proc/ioports before and after. After
modprobe it contained junk for the probed port range. It no longer does.)
Ciao, Marcus
Index: drivers/scsi/NCR53c406a.c
RCS file: /build/mm/work/repository/linux-mm/drivers/scsi/NCR53c406a.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 NCR53c406a.c
--- drivers/scsi/NCR53c406a.c 2001/05/03 13:03:53 1.6
+++ drivers/scsi/NCR53c406a.c 2001/05/16 09:38:11
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@
VDEB(printk("port_base=%x\n", port_base));
+ release_region(ports[i], 0x10);
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