Re: patch to put IDE drives in sleep-mode after an halt

From: Petr Vandrovec (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 08:22:07 EST

On 24 May 01 at 14:59, peter k. wrote:

> > auto-parking), and since all drives are voice coil drives, then they
> > should auto-park. But i've had problems with some hard drives that were
> > spinned down (when Win____ was shutdown).. if i reset the PC (instead
> > of turning it off), the hard drives wouldn't come back on so i'd have to
> > do a full shutdown of the machine.
> well, my new 40gb ones are auto-parking i think but all the other ones from
> last year aren't
> and older hardware (although 1 year isnt even old for a hd) should be
> supported by the kernel, right?
> plus, its really not difficult to implement spinning down the hds before
> halt anyway and then the kernel
> leaves the system as clean as it was before booting ;) !!

I'm using (at the end of /etc/init.d/halt):

cat /sbin/halt > /dev/null
cat /bin/sleep > /dev/null
hdparm -Y /dev/hdd
hdparm -Y /dev/hdc
hdparm -Y /dev/hdb
hdparm -Y /dev/hda
/bin/sleep 2
/sbin/halt -d -f -i -p

It works fine for me for years... I had to put sleep 2 here, as otherwise
CDROM drive does not park its head correctly (as hdparm /dev/hdc causes
ide-cd/cdrom to load - and this causes CDROM to spin up :-( )
So I do not see any reason for doing HDD park by kernel...
                                                 Best regards,
                                                      Petr Vandrovec

P.S.: AFAIK all IDE disks autopark. At least my 41MB KALOK from 1990
did. Or at least tried...
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