Here's a surprise. I think the problems with the keyspan
copyrights may have sprung from an administrative error. I notice that
the copyright notices in
linux-2.4.*/drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa{26,28,49}msg.h, which look
GPL compatible to me, look as if they were intended for
keyspan_usa{18x,19,28,28x,49w}_fw.h, since they refer to firmware
in their titles:
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 InnoSys Incorporated. All Rights Reserved
This file is available under a BSD-style copyright
Keyspan USB Async Firmware to run on Anchor EZ-USB
Yet, the keyspan*msg.h files have no firmware. The firmware
is in keyspan_usa*_fw.h.
Hugh, perhaps you could pass this up the chain of command
at Keyspan and see if they will simply grant permission to
replace the *_fw.h copyright notice with the one from *msg.h, which
is probably a lot simpler than having them spend lawyer and management
time on writing new terms.
I have cc'ed this to linux-kernel because there is a
current discussion going on there on this subject that I had just
responded to.
Adam J. Richter __ ______________ 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 104 \ / San Jose, California 95129-1034
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