Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac2

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 08:37:00 EST

> Performance is back to that of 2.4.2-ac26, and stability is a lot better. Under
> heavy FS pressure 2.4.5-ac2 is about 5-10% faster than vanilla 2.4.5, the aa1,2
> kernels have the same performance of vanilla 2.4.5.
> Which one of your changes affected performance so much?

Its much more a case that the 2.4.5 tree got fixed and I picked up the 2.4.5
changes. Its still not perfect (bigmem will deadlock again as in 2.4.5 vanilla
now) but its a much better basis to work from again

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