Re: 2.4 VM & swap question

From: Mike Galbraith (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 00:30:42 EST

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, root wrote:

> Regarding to the discussion on the swap size,
> Recently, Rick van Riel posted a message that there is a bug
> related to "reclaiming" the swap, and said that it is on his
> TODO list.

That's fixed.

> If I believe it, the current trouble we have regarding to the swap
> size is not because we do not have a sufficient size for the swap,
> but because there is a bug, although Linus advised us to assign
> 2 times the physical memory for the swap.

Please try 2.4.6.pre3. (folks with various load types should do this
and report results.. even if it generates a brief spurt of traffic).


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