> >As copyright holder of the Linux kernel, Linus is the only person with
> >standing to sue for license violation. Therefore, when he says
He's copyright holder of parts of it. The FSF is also a copyright holder of
oddments, as are many people.
> >"binary modules are OK", he is stating a policy intention which your
> >customers may include in their evaluation of legal risk. This means
> >that in order for them to lose, a court must rule that module linking
> >propagates derivative-work status *and* Linus must reverse himself and
> >sue.
Right. I'm not planning to go and harass people (well not unless they start
it) but it is important that people are aware of the potential issue and they
make sure they understand it. Its no different to being sure you understand
exactly which grandparents and/or limbs you signed away when you joined MSDN 8)
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