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> >>>>> "Pete" == Pete Zaitcev <zaitcev@redhat.com> writes:
> Roland> The rough idea is that WSD is a new user space library
> Roland> that looks at sockets calls and decides if they have to go
> Roland> through the usual kernel network stack, or if they can be
> Roland> handed off to a "SAN service provider" which bypasses the
> Roland> network stack and uses hardware reliable transport and
> Roland> possibly RDMA.
> Pete> That can be done in Linux just as easily, using same DLLs
> Pete> (they are called .so for "shared object"). If you look at
> Pete> Ashok Raj's Infi presentation, you may discern "user-level
> Pete> sockets", if you look hard enough. I invite you to try, if
> Pete> errors of others did not teach you anything.
> I think you misunderstood the point. Microsoft is providing this WSD
> DLL as a standard part of W2K now. This means that hardware vendors
> just have to write a SAN service provider, and all Winsock-using
> applications benefit transparently. No matter how good your TCP/IP
> implementation is, you still lose (especially in latency) compared to
> using reliable hardware transport. Oracle-with-VI and DAFS-vs-NFS
> benchmarks show this quite clearly.
You do loose in security. You can't use IPSec over such a device without
some drastic overhaul.
> Linux has nothing to compare to Winsock Direct. I agree, one could
> put an equivalent in glibc, or one could take advantage of Linux's
> relatively low system call latency and put something in the kernel.
> The unfortunate consequence of this is that SAN (system area network)
> hardware vendors are not going to support Linux very well.
> BTW, do you have a pointer to Ashok Raj's presentation?
That would be usefull. We had a presentation here, but it did not
show any great detail (mostly marketing drivel "it will be faster/more
efficient/less overhead.." but nothing about security).
> Roland> This means that all applications that use Winsock benefit
> Roland> from the advanced network hardware. Also, it means that
> Roland> Windows is much easier for hardware vendors to support
> Roland> than other OSes. For example, Alacritech's TCP/IP offload
> Roland> NIC only works under Windows. Microsoft is also including
> Roland> Infiniband support in Windows XP and Windows 2002.
> Pete> IMHO, Alacritech is about to join scores and scores of
> Pete> vendors who tried that before. Customers understand very
> Pete> soon that a properly written host based stack works much
> Pete> better in the face of a changing environment: Faster CPUs,
> Pete> new CPUs (IA-64), new network protocols (ECN). Besides, it
> Pete> is easy to "accelerate" a bad network stack, but try to
> Pete> outdo a well done stack.
> OK, how about an Infiniband network with a TCP/IP gateway at the edge?
> Have we thought about how Linux servers should use the gateway to talk
> to internet hosts? Surely there's no point in running TCP/IP inside
> the Infiniband network, so there needs to be some concept of "socket
> over Infiniband."
One of the problems I haven't seen explained is how the address translation
between TCP/IP and any SAN. Much less how security is going to be controled.
Personally, I think it will end up equivalent to TCP/IP over fibre channel...
Jesse I Pollard, II
Email: pollard@navo.hpc.mil
Any opinions expressed are solely my own.
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