You know, this is probably slightly OTm, but I've been getting closer
and closer to what I consider 'happy' for my QLogic megadriver under
Linux- I have just a tad more to deal with in local loop failures (I
spent far too much time working on fabric only)- but I've been happier
with it and need to close it up and move on.
I *do* plan to finish IP support eventually.
I certainly would like to get more feedback about it.
Feel free to pick up-
It's certainly got the latest f/w in it which you can try and use with
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, [ISO-8859-1] christophe barbé wrote:
> Le ven, 29 jun 2001 17:09:56, Alan Cox a écrit :
> > > From my point of view, this driver is sadly broken. The fun part is
> that
> > > the qlogic driver is certainly based on this one too (look at the code,
> > > the drivers differs not so much).
> >
> > And if the other one is stable someone should spend the time merging the
> > two.
> That what I would like to try but It seems impossible without an
> IP-enhanced firmware. I could try with the old firmware but I believe that
> the new code from QLogic use some features that are only in recent
> firmware.
> >
> > > IMHO the qlogicfc driver should be removed from the kernel tree and
> > > perhaps replaced by the last qlogic one. We then lost the IP support
> > > but this is a broken support.
> >
> > For 2.5 that may wellk make sense. Personally I'd prefer someone worked
> > out
> > why the qlogicfc driver behaves as it does. It sounds like two small bugs
> > nothing more
> >
> > 1. That the FC event code wasnt updated from 2.2 so now runs
> > with IRQ's off when it didnt expect it
> >
> > 2. That someone has a slight glitch in the queue handling.
> This driver is already buggy under kernel 2.2. This driver is a well known
> source of problems in the GFS mailing lists.
> I believe that the better thing to do is to use the qlogic driver. If we
> manage to get a recent IP-enhanced firmware we could rewrite the missing IP
> code. Half of the job is already done in the source of this driver.
> I didn't manage to reach the good person from qlogic. Perhaps someone would
> have better results.
> Christophe
> --
> Christophe Barbé
> Software Engineer -
> Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
> 42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
> phone (33). - fax (33).
> -
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