Nope, there is no process which has the camera. What has happened is that
camera is opened and the process crashes. So now the camera has to be closed
I tried all the things you suggested. Did not work.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: William Scott Lockwood III []
|Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 8:26 AM
|Subject: Re: Resource busy
|What does ps aux show? Is there still a process that has the camera? Can
|you kill -9 <pid> to get rid of that process, and does the camera then
|----- Original Message -----
|From: "Jatin Shah" <>
|To: <>
|Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 10:57 PM
|Subject: Resource busy
|> Hi,
|> I have an application that uses an USB camera. This app is bit buggy and
|> when it crashes (segmentation fault) it locks the devices so that the app
|> always gets the message "Device or Resource Busy"(Thats error
|EBUSY). Note
|> that app, mmaps device to memory.
|> Now that app has crashed how do I release the device? rmmod on
|> camera driver (or uhci) does not work.
|> Jatin
|> PS: Please cc me the response.
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