Re: GPL issuefor run time kernel function overwrite

From: Sven Vermeulen (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 10:26:28 EST

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 10:48:58AM -0400, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> We already have so-called "proprietary" code being included into
> the kernel. This started with "harmless" bits of binary which is
> uploaded into the hardware when some drivers are installed.
> Including such binary is also contrary to GPL, but without this
> secret goo, the hardware won't run.
> This exception to GPL, in my opinion, opened the door to future
> corruption and exploitation. Time will tell.

Doesn't the copyright-holder of the work have the final decision wether or
not a non-GPL-modification may be inserted? I think the only change that
should be done then is a notice that this and that is non-GPL but permitted
by the copyright-holder...

Ofcourse, If you aren't the copyright-holder of the work (in his totality),
you need to contact the copyright-holder in order to receive (written)

Just a thought.

 Sven Vermeulen            -    Key-ID CDBA2FDB 
 LUG:  -

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