Sick? No.
As much as we dislike M$'s marketing practices, one has to admit that
they DO come up with some GOOD solutions to problems, they just bundle
them into BAD implementations that are non-free.
As I said earlier, the problem isn't hotmail - the problem is attitudes
like yours.
----- Original Message -----
From: "christophe barbé" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:34 AM
Subject: Re: Test mail
Le lun, 30 jui 2001 22:23:03, William Scott Lockwood III a écrit :
> Basically, I use a hotmail and Outlook Express to help me SORT
> on LKML. It makes it MUCH easier for me to find the messages I want
> read vs the rest of the noise that I don't understand yet.
Sick ...
And btw you should read the various HotMail agreements you have signed.
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