> No, computer can not do this.
> This will do some program,and this program is not crypted.
> Yes?
> We disassemle this program, get algorithm and regenerate a key in evil machine?
> Am i wrong?
Any algoritm can be reproduced, yes, but a strong random number source
cannot. See my other email for an example of such.
> P.S. off-topic What algorithm do you want to use to regenerate a key for once crypted data?
> I don't know anyone, or i can't understand your point of view.
If the algorithm is strong enough, the only method is a brute force search
of the entire keyspace, which in the case of a 2048 bit key would take
much longer than the age of the universe, even using a billion times the
total computational power of the earth. Simple algoritms are subject to
frequency analysis and other more subtle analysis. Pick up a copy of
"Applied Cryptography" by Bruce Schneier for a generaly overview of the
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