Nasty oops with 2.4.8

From: John Levon (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 08:38:01 EST

I got an oops yesterday just after loggin in. The machine was idle.

Unfortunately the problem trashed a number of files on the root partition, including all
traces of the (decoded) oops.

I do remember it was a pointer dereference fault in sync_unlocked_inodes(), not a NULL pointer.

The machine passes memtest86 without a hitch, has been stable with 2.4.3 and earlier for ages. ext2 /,
UP Celery 600

Interestingly during the fsck an fsck.ext2 bug was uncovered where inode_link_info was 0 but
inode.i_links.count was 1 (no, I definitely wasn't fscking a rw / ;). Perhaps that is fixed
in 1.19 though, I was using 1.18

hope this helps someone debug this rather nasty FS corruption ...

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