Re: aic7xxx errors with 2.4.8-ac7 on 440gx mobo

From: Justin T. Gibbs (
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 15:27:49 EST

>I'm getting similair errors on 2.4.8-ac7 on my P2B-S motherboard using
>the NEW AIC7xxx driver, the old isn't experiencing these problems. Further
>i've been getting these errors since 2.4.3.
>> booting with append="noapic", gives the same errors

Can you send me the full messages when you boot with "aic7xxx=verbose"?
That should help indicate the source of your problems. I also
need to see the devices that are attached to the bus, so a full dmesg
from a successful boot with the old driver would be helpful.

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