Re: /dev/random in 2.4.6

From: Oliver Xymoron (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 14:04:57 EST

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Alex Bligh - linux-kernel wrote:

> > You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you overestimate the
> > entropy added by even a small amount, /dev/random is no better than
> > /dev/urandom.
> I guess the option I'm asking for is really 'Say [Y] if you think
> network IRQ timing contributes more than 0 bits of entropy'.

The trouble is no one has a good model of how much more than zero it is.

> Your logic so far is fine bar one minor nit: If we assume SHA-1 was
> not breakable, then /dev/urandom in a ZERO ENTROPY environment would
> give the the same value on a reboot of your machine as a simultaneous
> reboot of a hacker's machine.

That's why you seed your pool at boot. Zero entropy is reducio ad absurdum
argument anyway.

> So let's use Occam's razor and assume the attacker could have an SHA-1
> exploit, because if they could not, and if thus we don't need to
> consider this situation, as a couple of other posters have pointed
> out, you don't need to worry about this whole entropy thing at all,
> and never need to block on /dev/random.

Again, /dev/random is an exercise in paranoia. If the blocking thing is a
hassle, then you probably shouldn't be using it.

> Here's the leap of logic I don't understand.
> Firstly, the cost of breaking SHA-1 to read the contents of my
> server will not be worth it. The cost
> of breaking into the data center may well not be worth it!

So then /dev/urandom is good enough.

> However, if someone has already broken it... I was talking to someone
> this afternoon who had DES (56 bit) cracking in FPGA (read cheap
> board) in a couple of hours. He has triple-DES (112 bit) cracking in
> WEAKNESSES. So far, of the 4 hardware accelerators he's examined
> (things with glue and gunk on), in default config, he's found these in
> two. The same thing that's said (now) about SHA-1 was said about
> triple-DES years ago. So I am assuming the hacker / intelligence
> agency already has the tool (as we said above), and it was developed
> for other purposes, cost 0.

Ok, you're going to assume that the 160-bit SHA hash with lots and lots
and lots of mixing is more vulnerable than the IDEA or Blowfish or 3DES
that you're using for your actual encryption?

> Secondly, to put the argument the other way around, if I have no other
> entropy sources, and no other random number generator, then using
> entropy from the network INCREASES the cost of an attack, IF the
> alternative is to use /dev/urandom. This is because all that network
> timing information is expensive to gather. Sure, if I am getting
> entropy from elsewhere, then by potentially overcontributing
> entropy, it may well DECREASE the cost of an attack, if the
> alternative is to continue using /dev/random. Hence the config option.

How about simply adding possible entropy from the network but not
accounting for it? /dev/urandom then becomes as strong as the proposed
/dev/random (up to the load that /dev/random would allow), while
/dev/random isn't weakened.

> >> Measuring it there at least 16 network IRQs for the minimum
> >> SSL transaction. That generates 16x12 = 192 bits of
> >> entropy (each IRQ contributes 12 bits).
> >
> > 12 bits is a maximum and it's based on the apparent randomness of the
> > interrupt timing deltas. If your attacker is impatient, she can just ping
> > you at pseudo-random intervals tuned to clean your pool more rapidly.
> Correct, and it's quite possible it should be contributing less bits
> than 12 if the option is turned on. However, a better response would
> be to fix the timers to be more accurate :-)

We're already using cycle counters - do you propose being more accurate
than that?

> > You're also forgetting that TCP initial sequence numbers come from the
> > pool to prevent connection spoofing - more entropy lost.
> I /think/ this irrelevant. Let's assume that the TCP initial sequence
> numbers are also observable by the attacker, and contribute to knowledge
> about the pool (which is I think your point) - well, the relevant amount
> of entropy is knocked off (actually, more is as not all the bits are
> used), which means you have to block for more if entropy gets short.
> Provided that (and this is the key thing) the entropy contribution of
> network IRQ timing is not overestimated (but I allege can be non-zero),
> this shouldn't be a problem.

ISNs are 32 bits and it takes one interrupt to trigger a SYN. Happily, the
network stack doesn't block when it runs out of entropy, otherwise your
headless box would never get anywhere.

> I agree with your point that Robert's patch /could/ taint /dev/random,
> but only if you switch it on!

As it stands, it does. Assuming a 1GHz processor and hitting the maximum
12 bits of entropy per interrupt, we only need to guess the interrupt
timing to within 4us - probably not hard. As I've pointed out, it's not
hard to send our own apparently random packets to open up that window.

 "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.."

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