On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Rick Hohensee wrote:
I can get to it just fine:
[cramer:tty3]dragon:~/[7:32pm]:lynx -version
Lynx Version 2.8.3dev.18 (06 Jan 2000)
Built on linux-gnu Feb 7 2000 15:42:47
Copyrights held by the University of Kansas, CERN, and other contributors.
Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
See http://lynx.browser.org/ and the online help for more information.
[cramer:tty3]dragon:~/[7:32pm]:lynx -nocolor 'http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/Large-Disk-6.html#ss6.2'
# Large Disk HOWTO: Disk geometry, partitions and `overlap' (p4 of 6)
6.2 Cylinder boundaries
A well-known claim says that partitions should start and end at
cylinder boundaries.
Since "disk geometry" is something without objective existence,
different operating systems will invent different geometries for the
same disk. One often sees a translated geometry like */255/63 used by
one and an untranslated geometry like */16/63 used by another OS.
Thus, it may be impossible to align partitions to cylinder boundaries
according to each of the the various ideas about the size of a
cylinder that one's systems have. Also different Linux kernels may
assign different geometries to the same disk. Also, enabling or
disabling the BIOS of a SCSI card may change the fake geometry of the
connected SCSI disks.
Fortunately, for Linux there is no alignment requirement at all.
(Except that some semi-broken installation software likes to be very
sure that all is OK; thus, it may be impossible to install RedHat 7.1
on a disk with unaligned partitions because DiskDruid is unhappy.)
People report that it is easy to create nonaligned partitions in
Windows NT, without any noticeable bad effects.
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