On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, German Gomez Garcia wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know what the attached error mean, I'm using
> 2.4.9-ac3, and I don't know if one of my disk has died, it's currently
> working, but I would like to know if that is a hardware error or just a
> kernel problem.
Well, it seems to be a kernel problem, as it happens almost
inmediately after reboot with 2.4.9-ac3 (also with 2.4.9-ac1) It doesn't
happens with 2.4.7-ac9 and I'm currently going down to 2.4.8-ac11 (before
2.4.9 merge in -ac tree?) I'll report later.
- german
German Gomez Garcia | Send email with "SEND GPG KEY" as subject
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