Re: Treating parallel port as serial device

From: Jean-Christian de Rivaz (
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 15:52:05 EST

Take a look to the MAX3100 chip:

This solution highly reduce the CPU overhead needed to sample Rx line
for each single bit. The chip have a FIFO, an interrupt and look like a
standard UART. Only the bus transfert with the CPU is different.

I curently work on a driver for it.


Tony Hoyle wrote:
> I'm looking to attach a serial device to my box that has only TTL level
> I/O. Since I'm more of a software than a hardware person making a
> circuit board up with a max232 in is a bit risky... I want to connect
> the I/O to the parallel port.
> What I need now is a driver that can read the input from a pin on the
> parallel port and treat it as serial input. It sounds like the kind of
> project that would have been done before, but I can't find anything that
> even comes close. Userspace probably wouldn't cut it as I'm reading as
> 9600 baud and usleep doesn't have nearly enough resolution.
> Tony

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